Use this Link if you are submitting your Online Scholarship Application First Time! If you have already initiated your Application filling, use Login Feature!
Use this Link if you are SD-SEED Beneficiery for Year 2013-14 and wish to renew your Scholarship for this year! In case, you have initiated your Application filling, use Login Feature!
Use this section to Login to your Account to complete Application Filling! Please specify your e-mail ID used during Registration!
Please Specify Your Login Password specified during Registration! In case you have forgotten your Password, Use Forgot Password Link for Assistance!
Please specify your Application type - If you are New Applicant taking SD-SEED Scholarship First Time, specify 'New Applicant'! If you are SD-SEED Beneficiery of year 2013-14, specify 'Renewal Applicant'
Use this Link to Request your Password in E-mail ID registered with us while filling form! Please note that using this feature will reset your existing password and generate new password for you in your mailbox! Make sure you check Inbox/ Spam Folder of your Mail ID to receive the e-mail! It might take around 2-3minutes to reach in your Inbox!
Make sure that you have specified your E-mail ID and Password above and click Login! here to continue to Login to your Account!
Please review Eligbility for Scholarship in details - you may scroll down in this section for detailed information
Review instructions here carefully and apply them while filling the form!
As you have reviewed Eligibility Norms and have gone through detailed Guidelines, Click here to begin your Application Filling
Welcome to the Annual Application Scholarship Form.
Please submit the following details to complete Step-1 of your Online Application.
Make sure to fill the correct Information.
Please specify your Last Name as per SSC Mark Sheet
Please specify your First Name as per SSC Mark Sheet
Please specify your Middle Name as per SSC Mark Sheet
Specify your Birth Date Day - Select Day from dropdown List
Specify your Birth Date Month - Select Month from dropdown List
Specify your Birth Date Year - Select Year from dropdown List
Specify your Marital Status - Unmarried/ Married
Specify your Gender/ Sex - Male/ Female
Please select Yes here if you have Physical Challenges (Physically Handicapped) - Make sure you have valid Certificates issued by Authority for the same!
Specify your Caste Category - Select OPEN otherwise!
Specify your latest Contact Mobile Number - This is important for receiving further updates/ communications from us via SMS!
This is optional field - Specify your Contact Landline Number - It can be used as secondary contact number for further updates/ communications from us!
Specify your functional E-mail ID - Your E-mail ID will remain primary contact source for all future updates/ communications from us!
Specify your Current/ Correspondence Address - This is important for Postal Communication/ Physical Verification
Specify your Place/ Location/ City Name - As this Scholarship is for Students from Jalgaon district only, make sure you specify your valid Correspondence Address of Jalgaon District area!
Specify your Tahsil Name from Drop Down List! As this Scholarship is for Students from Jalgaon district only, make sure you specify your valid Correspondence Address of Jalgaon District Tahsils!
Specify Pincode/ Postal Code of your Place/ Location/ City - This is important for faster delivery of Postal Communication!
Click/ Check this option - If your Correspondence Address and Permanent Address is same! System will Automatically copy your Correspondence Address details in Permanent Address section in such case!
Specify your Permanent Address - This is important for Postal Communication/ Physical Verification
Specify your Place/ Location/ City Name - As this Scholarship is for Students from Jalgaon district only, make sure you specify your valid Permanent Address of Jalgaon District area!
Specify your Tahsil Name from Drop Down List! As this Scholarship is for Students from Jalgaon district only, make sure you specify your valid Permanent Address of Jalgaon District Tahsils!
Specify Pincode/ Postal Code of your Place/ Location/ City - This is important for faster delivery of Postal Communication!
Click/ check your Areas of Interest - this helps us communicate you various programmes and events we keep organising throughout the Year!
Please review your Primary Profile details filled above carefully and then Click here to continue filling your Application further steps!

Make sure you record/ note E-mail ID and Password generated by system for completing your Application and reviewing status details!

You have successfully submitted your Profile Information and created your Account in SD-SEED! Make sure you note E-mail ID and Password for completing your Application and future status details!

You have created your Account in SD-SEED Scholarship Application System! In case, if you dont have any rest of details ready, we recommend that you click here to Login Later to your Account and continue the Application Filling Process!

Important - Your Application is processed only when it duly filled and complete in all respect!

You have created your Account in SD-SEED Scholarship Application System! Click here to go to next step for filling the Scholarship Application
Specify your Past Academic Examination from Drop Down List! Make sure you specify your Correct Past Academic Information!
Specify the name of your School/College related to the Past Academics! Make sure you specify Correct Information about the College !
Specify the Year of Passing for the Examination ! Make sure the specified year should match with the Original Documents !
Specify the information about the Maximum Marks alloted to the Examination !
Specify the information about the Marks Obtained by you in the Examination ! Make sure the specified marks should match with the Original Documents !
Specify the information about the Percentage scored by you in the Examination ! Make sure the specified score should match with the Original Documents !
Specify the information about the No.of Subject ATKT in the Examination ! Make sure the specified No.of Subject ATKT should match with the Original Documents !
Click on Add Button to add a new row which consists of all the information you Entered above regarding to your Past Academic Details ! Likewise add all the Past Academic Records !
Please review all the rows which consists of all the information you Entered above regarding to your Past Academic Details !
Click on Delete Button to Delete row that might contain any Incorrect Information about your Past Academic Record Details !
Specify your Stream for Current Academic Examination from Drop Down List! Make sure you specify Correct Information related to the Current Academic Details !
Specify your appropriate Course for Current Academic Examination from Drop Down List! Make sure you select your Correct Academic Information related to Current Academic Details!
Specify your Mode of Admission from Drop Down List! Make sure you specify your Correct Mode of Admission!
Specify Name of the College/Institute from where you are persuing your current Academics !
Specify full Address of the College from where you are persuing the Current Academics ! Make sure you specify the detailed address of the College !
Specify Place/ Location/ City of the College from where you are persuing your Current Academics !
Specify Tahsil of the College from where you are persuing your Current Academics !
Specify District of the College from where you are persuing your Current Academics !
Specify Pin Code of the City here !
This is optional field - Specify College Contact No if any - This will help for receiving further updates/ communications from us via SMS!
This is optional field - Specify Email Id any concerned college authority if any -This E-mail ID can be used as a secondary contact source for all future updates/ communications from us!
This is optional field - Specify Website/College Web Url here if any !
Please review your Academic details filled above carefully and then Click here to continue filling your Application further steps!

In case, if you dont have any rest of details ready, we recommend that you click here to Login Later to your Account and continue the Application Filling Process!

Important - Your Application is processed only when it duly filled and complete in all respect!

You have successfully submitted your Academic Details which is attached in your Account in SD-SEED Scholarship Application System!
Click this button to Save the Details and Continue to next Step !

You have created your Account in SD-SEED Scholarship Application System! In case, if you dont have any rest of details ready, we recommend that you click here to Login Later to your Account and continue the Application Filling Process!

Important - Your Application is processed only when it duly filled and complete in all respect!
You have successfully completed second step of Scholarship Application!
Please use form below to complete last step posting your financial details. Please make sure you put as exact figures as possible!
Specify here the Amount of tution fee you need to pay ! Make sure you specify the correct Information related to the Tution Fee !
This is optional field - Specify here the Amount of Other fee you need to pay !
This is optional field - Specify here the Amount of Hostel fee you need to pay !
This is optional field - Specify here the Amount of Mess Expenses you need to pay !
Specify here the Amount of Stationary Charges you need to pay !

Specify here the Expected Scholarship amount from SD-Seed ! Please make sure this field is compulsory !
Specify here the Reason why Should you awarded the Scholarship from SD-Seed ! Please make sure the reason must be meaningful !

Were you awarded with SD-Seed scholarship before? If Yes, then Specify here the details of Scholarship from SD-Seed !
Specify the Details of other scholarship you are received ! Please Enter the Full Details here !
Specify the year when you received the Scholarship ! Make Sure the Year you specify must match the original Documents !
Specify the Amount of Money you received as the Scholarship ! Make Sure the Amount you specify must match the original Documents !
Click on Add Button to add a new row which consists of all the information you Entered above regarding to the scholarship you received before ! Likewise add all the Details of Scholarship received !
Please Review row which consists of all the information you Entered above regarding to the scholarship you received before !
Click on Delete Button to Delete row that might contain any Incorrect Information about your Past Scholarship Details !
Specify the Family Relation here and Enter the details of the family member !
Specify the Correct Full Name of the Family Member !
Specify the Correct Contact Mobile No of the Family Member !
Specify the Correct Educational Details of the Family Member !
Specify the Correct Details of Occupation of the Family Member !
Specify the Correct Full Address of the Office of the selected Family Member !
Specify the Annual Income of the Family Member from all sources ! Make sure Entered Total Amount of Money is correct !
Click on Add Button to add a new row which consists of all the information you Entered above of your Family Relation ! Likewise add all the Details for all family members !
Please Review the rows of following table which consists of all the information you Entered above of your Family Relation !
Click on Delete Button to Delete row that might contain any Incorrect Information of family member !
Please review your details filled above carefully and then Click here to continue filling your Application further steps!

In case, if you dont have any rest of details ready, we recommend that you click here to Login Later to your Account and continue the Application Filling Process!

Important - Your Application is processed only when it duly filled and complete in all respect!
Please Check mark the documents in the List of Document given ! Make Sure the Documents you Checked now are need to be submitted by you at the time of submission of Form to Our SD-SEED Office.

In case, if you dont have any rest of details ready, we recommend that you click here to Login Later to your Account and continue the Application Filling Process!

Important - Your Application is processed only when it duly filled and complete in all respect!

Please Review once the Documents you check marked ! If all are applicable and you are able to submit it in the SD-Seed Office !

Important - Click this Button to Confirm your Documents and take the Acknowledgement Receipt Print Out !
Verify all the details on this receipt and then take a print copy, you will not be allowed to edit any information again once you take the print out!
As you have reviewed Eligibility Norms and have gone through detailed Guidelines, Click here to Enter your Beneficiary Code provided to you by SD-Seed Last time !
Please Update your Marital Status - Unmarried/ Married if required
Please select Yes here if you have Physical Challenges (Physically Handicapped) - Make sure you have valid Certificates issued by Authority for the same!
Please specify your parental status - mention Both Parents/ Single Parent/ No Parents
Let us know if you need Loan - If you submit loan request here, our office team will get in touch with you for further process!
Please Update your Mobile No Details ! Specify your latest Contact Mobile Number - This is important for receiving further updates/ communications from us via SMS!
This is optional field - Specify your Contact Landline Number - It can be used as secondary contact number for further updates/ communications from us!
Please Update your Email Id Details ! Specify your functional E-mail ID - Your E-mail ID will remain primary contact source for all future updates/ communications from us!
Please specify enrollment number! if applied and card not yet issued!
Update your Current/ Correspondence Address if needed - This is important for Postal Communication/ Physical Verification
Update your Place/ Location/ City Name if needed - As this Scholarship is for Students from Jalgaon district only, make sure you specify your valid Correspondence Address of Jalgaon District area!
Update Specify your Tahsil Name from Drop Down List if needed ! As this Scholarship is for Students from Jalgaon district only, make sure you specify your valid Correspondence Address of Jalgaon District Tahsils!
If your current address outside the Jalgaon district then Specify Tahsil Name!
If your current address outside the Jalgaon district then Specify District Name !
If your current address outside the Jalgaon district then Specify State Name !
Update Specify Pincode/ Postal Code of your Place/ Location/ City if needed - This is important for faster delivery of Postal Communication!
Click/ Check this option - If your Correspondence Address and Permanent Address is same! System will Automatically copy your Correspondence Address details in Permanent Address section in such case!
Click/ check your Areas of Interest - this helps us communicate you various programmes and events we keep organising throughout the Year!
Please review your Primary Profile details filled above carefully and then Click here to continue filling your Application further steps!

Make sure you record/ note E-mail ID and Password generated by system for completing your Application and reviewing status details!

You have successfully submitted your Profile Information and created your Account in SD-SEED! Make sure you note E-mail ID and Password for completing your Application and future status details!

You have created your Account in SD-SEED Scholarship Application System! In case, if you dont have any rest of details ready, we recommend that you click here to Login Later to your Account and continue the Application Filling Process!

Important - Your Application is processed only when it duly filled and complete in all respect!

You have created your Account in SD-SEED Scholarship Application System! Click here to go to next step for filling the Scholarship Application
You are able to Edit and Update the Information in the form below if and only if your Acknowlegdgement Receipt is not Printed,Else you can just view the Information.
Welcome to the Annual Application Scholarship Form.

You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Else you can just able to view the Information .
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Please specify your Last Name as per SSC Mark Sheet
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Please specify your First Name as per SSC Mark Sheet
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Please specify your Middle Name as per SSC Mark Sheet
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify your Birth Date Day - Select Day from dropdown List
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify your Birth Date Month - Select Month from dropdown List
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify your Birth Date Year - Select Year from dropdown List
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify your Marital Status - Unmarried/ Married
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify your Gender/ Sex - Male/ Female
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Please select Yes here if you have Physical Challenges (Physically Handicapped) - Make sure you have valid Certificates issued by Authority for the same!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify your Caste Category - Select OPEN otherwise!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify your latest Contact Mobile Number - This is important for receiving further updates/ communications from us via SMS!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
This is optional field - Specify your Contact Landline Number - It can be used as secondary contact number for further updates/ communications from us!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify your functional E-mail ID - Your E-mail ID will remain primary contact source for all future updates/ communications from us!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify your Current/ Correspondence Address - This is important for Postal Communication/ Physical Verification
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify your Place/ Location/ City Name - As this Scholarship is for Students from Jalgaon district only, make sure you specify your valid Correspondence Address of Jalgaon District area!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify your Tahsil Name from Drop Down List! As this Scholarship is for Students from Jalgaon district only, make sure you specify your valid Correspondence Address of Jalgaon District Tahsils!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify Pincode/ Postal Code of your Place/ Location/ City - This is important for faster delivery of Postal Communication!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Click/ Check this option - If your Correspondence Address and Permanent Address is same! System will Automatically copy your Correspondence Address details in Permanent Address section in such case!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify your Permanent Address - This is important for Postal Communication/ Physical Verification
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify your Place/ Location/ City Name - As this Scholarship is for Students from Jalgaon district only, make sure you specify your valid Permanent Address of Jalgaon District area!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify your Tahsil Name from Drop Down List! As this Scholarship is for Students from Jalgaon district only, make sure you specify your valid Permanent Address of Jalgaon District Tahsils!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify Pincode/ Postal Code of your Place/ Location/ City - This is important for faster delivery of Postal Communication!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Click/ check your Areas of Interest - this helps us communicate you various programmes and events we keep organising throughout the Year!
Please review your Primary Profile details filled above carefully and then Click here to continue filling your Application further steps!

Make sure you record/ note E-mail ID and Password generated by system for completing your Application and reviewing status details!

If you think you missed any of the Information and want to check once again ,then please click ont his button to go Back.
Important - Your Application is processed only when it duly filled and complete in all respect!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify your Past Academic Examination from Drop Down List! Make sure you specify your Correct Past Academic Information!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify the name of your School/College related to the Past Academics! Make sure you specify Correct Information about the College !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify the Year of Passing for the Examination ! Make sure the specified year should match with the Original Documents !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify the information about the Maximum Marks alloted to the Examination !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify the information about the Marks Obtained by you in the Examination ! Make sure the specified marks should match with the Original Documents !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify the information about the Percentage scored by you in the Examination ! Make sure the specified score should match with the Original Documents !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Click on Add Button to add a new row which consists of all the information you Entered above regarding to your Past Academic Details ! Likewise add all the Past Academic Records !
Please review all the rows which consists of all the information you Entered above regarding to your Past Academic Details !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Click on Delete Button to Delete row that might contain any Incorrect Information about your Past Academic Record Details !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify your Stream for Current Academic Examination from Drop Down List! Make sure you specify Correct Information related to the Current Academic Details !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify your appropriate Course for Current Academic Examination from Drop Down List! Make sure you select your Correct Academic Information related to Current Academic Details!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify your Mode of Admission from Drop Down List! Make sure you specify your Correct Mode of Admission!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify Name of the College/Institute from where you are persuing your current Academics !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify full Address of the College from where you are persuing the Current Academics ! Make sure you specify the detailed address of the College !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify Place/ Location/ City of the College from where you are persuing your Current Academics !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify Tahsil of the College from where you are persuing your Current Academics !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify District of the College from where you are persuing your Current Academics !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify Pin Code of the City here !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
This is optional field - Specify College Contact No if any - This will help for receiving further updates/ communications from us via SMS!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
This is optional field - Specify Email Id any concerned college authority if any -This E-mail ID can be used as a secondary contact source for all future updates/ communications from us!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
This is optional field - Specify Website/College Web Url here if any !
Please review your Academic details filled above carefully and then Click here to continue filling your Application further steps!

In case, if you dont have any rest of details ready, we recommend that you click here to Login Later to your Account and continue the Application Filling Process!

Important - Your Application is processed only when it duly filled and complete in all respect!

If you think you missed any of the Information and want to check once again ,then please click ont his button to go Back.
Important - Your Application is processed only when it duly filled and complete in all respect!

You have successfully submitted your Academic Details which is attached in your Account in SD-SEED Scholarship Application System!
Click this button to Save the Details and Continue to next Step !

You have created your Account in SD-SEED Scholarship Application System! In case, if you dont have any rest of details ready, we recommend that you click here to Login Later to your Account and continue the Application Filling Process!

Important - Your Application is processed only when it duly filled and complete in all respect!
You have successfully completed second step of Scholarship Application!
Please use form below to complete last step posting your financial details. Please make sure If your Acknowledment Receipt is not get printed yet then only you can make the Updations here!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify here the Amount of tution fee you need to pay ! Make sure you specify the correct Information related to the Tution Fee !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
This is optional field - Specify here the Amount of Other fee you need to pay !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
This is optional field - Specify here the Amount of Hostel fee you need to pay !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
This is optional field - Specify here the Amount of Mess Expenses you need to pay !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify here the Amount of Stationary Charges you need to pay !

You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify here the Expected Scholarship amount from SD-Seed ! Please make sure this field is compulsory !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify here the Reason why Should you awarded the Scholarship from SD-Seed ! Please make sure the reason must be meaningful !

You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement! Were you awarded with SD-Seed scholarship before? If Yes, then Specify here the details of Scholarship from SD-Seed !
Specify Name of person having received Scholarship - write Self if Applicant has received
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify the Details of other scholarship you are received ! Please Enter the Full Details here !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify the year when you received the Scholarship ! Make Sure the Year specified by you must match the original Documents !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify the Amount of Money you received as the Scholarship ! Make Sure the Amount you specify must match the original Documents !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Click on Add Button to add a new row which consists of all the information you Entered above regarding to the scholarship you received before ! Likewise add all the Details of Scholarship received !
Please Review row which consists of all the information you Entered above regarding to the scholarship you received before !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Click on Delete Button to Delete row that might contain any Incorrect Information about your Past Scholarship Details !
If your Acknowledment Receipt is not get printed yet then only you can make the Updations here.
Specify the Family Relation here and Enter the details of the family member !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify the Correct Full Name of the Family Member !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify the Correct Contact Mobile No of the Family Member !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify the Correct Educational Details of the Family Member !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify the Correct Details of Occupation of the Family Member !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify the Correct Full Address of the Office of the selected Family Member !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Specify the Annual Income of the Family Member from all sources ! Make sure Entered Total Amount of Money is correct !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Click on Add Button to add a new row which consists of all the information you Entered above of your Family Relation ! Likewise add all the Details for all family members !
Please Review the rows of following table which consists of all the information you Entered above of your Family Relation !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Click on Delete Button to Delete row that might contain any Incorrect Information of family member !
Please review your details filled above carefully and then Click here to continue filling your Application further steps!

In case, if you dont have any rest of details ready, we recommend that you click here to Login Later to your Account and continue the Application Filling Process!

Important - Your Application is processed only when it duly filled and complete in all respect!

You may update this form until you print Acknowledgement!
Important: Please read the above Instructons Carefully !

Enter the Beneficiary code you got at the time when you applied for the application previously.Make sure you Enter the Correct Beneficiary code!
Important: If your Acknowledment Receipt is not get printed yet then only you can make the Updations here.

Please Check mark the documents in the List of Document given ! Make Sure the Documents you Checked now are need to be submitted by you at the time of submission of Form to Our SD-SEED Office.
Important: Please upload neat scanned jpg format files for all listed documents as Mandatory need.

In case, if you dont have any rest of details ready, we recommend that you click here to Login Later to your Account and continue the Application Filling Process!

Important - Your Application is processed only when it duly filled and complete in all respect!

Please Review once the Documents you check marked ! If all are applicable and you are able to submit it in the SD-Seed Office !

Important - Click this Button to Confirm your Documents and take the Acknowledgement Receipt Print Out !
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Please Update your Marital Status - Unmarried/ Married if required
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Please select Yes here if you have Physical Challenges (Physically Handicapped) - Make sure you have valid Certificates issued by Authority for the same!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Please Update your Mobile No Details ! Specify your latest Contact Mobile Number - This is important for receiving further updates/ communications from us via SMS!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
This is optional field - Specify your Contact Landline Number - It can be used as secondary contact number for further updates/ communications from us!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Please Update your Email Id Details ! Specify your functional E-mail ID - Your E-mail ID will remain primary contact source for all future updates/ communications from us!
If your Acknowledment Receipt is not get printed yet then only you can make the Updations here.
Update your Current/ Correspondence Address if needed - This is important for Postal Communication/ Physical Verification
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Update your Place/ Location/ City Name if needed - As this Scholarship is for Students from Jalgaon district only, make sure you specify your valid Correspondence Address of Jalgaon District area!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Update Specify your Tahsil Name from Drop Down List if needed ! As this Scholarship is for Students from Jalgaon district only, make sure you specify your valid Correspondence Address of Jalgaon District Tahsils!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Update Specify Pincode/ Postal Code of your Place/ Location/ City if needed - This is important for faster delivery of Postal Communication!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Click/ Check this option - If your Correspondence Address and Permanent Address is same! System will Automatically copy your Correspondence Address details in Permanent Address section in such case!
You may update this field only until you print Acknowledgement!
Click/ check your Areas of Interest - this helps us communicate you various programmes and events we keep organising throughout the Year!

You have created your Account in SD-SEED Scholarship Application System! Click here to go to next step for filling the Scholarship Application

For your Information and Guidance
Online Application Process:
1. This form has 4 steps:
Step 1: Personal Details. On completion of this step, you will receive your “User Name” and “Password”, which you may use for completion of form. In case, due to connectivity or any other problems, you are not able to complete the form, you may login again using this User Name & Password and continue filling up the form from the step where you stopped. As you are existing beneficiary, your primary profile and family related details are already recorded with us. Hence you would not be able to update the same in this step. In case, if you feel any changes in this information, please contact our Office.
Step 2: Bank Detail
Step 3: Education Information
Step 4: Information of Financial requirement and Family background
2. You may update profile and other details in this form before you confirm submission for further processing.
3. On completion of filling the Online Application Form, you will receive your Acknowledgment Receipt. Print this Receipt, attach the required documents, which are mandatory and submit at:
SD-SEED Office, 7 Shivaji Nagar, Jalgaon, 425 001 within the given time limit. Your application will be processed further only on submission of the mandatory documents before the given date
5. In case you face any difficulty while filling this form, you may contact SD-SEED helpline no. 0257-2235254 during office hours (9.30 AM to 6.30 PM).

For your Information and Guidance
Online Application Process:
1. Before you start filling the Application Form, please click here to see the demo
2. This form has 4 steps:
Step 1: Personal Details. On completion of this step, you will receive your User Name and Password, which you may use for completion of form. In case, due to connectivity or any other problems, you are not able to complete the form, you may login again using this User Name & Password and continue filling up the form from the step where you stopped.
Step 2: Bank Detail
Step 3: Education Information
Step 4: Information of Financial requirement and Family background
3. You may update profile and other details in this form before you confirm submission for further processing.
4. After you complete the Online Application, please take a printout of Acknowledgement Receipt, attach all the required compulsory documents and send to the below address within the given time limit:
SD-SEED Office, 7 Shivaji Nagar, Jalgaon, 425 001, Tel: 0257-2235254, Website: www.sdseed.in
5. In case you face any difficulty while filling this form, you may contact SD-SEED helpline no. 0257-2235254 during office hours (9.30 AM to 6.30 PM).
Your Mobile No and Email Id Verification is Pending.
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Last Date for filing Renewal Application is 19/10/2024

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