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Beneficiaries Testimonials

Dignitaries Testimonials
Dr SS Mantha- Vice Chancellor, Ramdeo Baba University, Nagpur  Chief Guest in 2024

• Work in parallel on two options, career based on academic qualification and career based on skills and abilities.
• Vocational education and new technologies provide opportunities for local employment and economic growth.
• Business management, financial literacy, and innovation enable people to think about financial opportunities.

Mr Dipak Chaudhari- Chairman & Managing Director - Spectrum Electrical Industries  Chief Guest in 2024

• Keep your confidence strong, it gives you strength to overcome difficulties.
• We are our own source of inspiration, so don't look outside for your energy and talent, but rather find it within yourself.
• Reading the stories of unsuccessful people gives us the path to success, and what we can do to prevent it from happening in our lives.

Dr. Shri Anand Kumar(Founder Super 30, Patna), Chief Guest in 2023

• Let every failure open a new path for opportunities. Face every exam with confidence and total preparedness
• Measure happiness in terms of satisfaction, fulfillment & not monetary gains. Always endeavour to brighten your future with vision.
• Parents should accept change, motivate children and guide them to make the right decisions.
• Have an open mind, be ready to experiment, gain knowledge from your learnings and interactions, which will open up a world of opportunities.


• The work being done by SD Seed is phenomenal.I wish students in other Districts could also benefit from the work of such noble organisations.
• Students should never loose confidence and be happy.
• Always give importance to human values and be a good human being which is most important.

Dr. Vishwas Rao Patil (Scholar on Gandhian Philosophy, Shahada), Chief Guest in 2021

• Students should move from the world of profit and loss to the world of values
• Charity is the greatest power in the world
• Our economic condition should not cause us to stop and get depressed
• Education has taught us to nurture friendships and gives us a sense of dignity
• Values teach a person to live

MR HANMANTRAO GAIKWAD (Founder, BVG India Ltd, Pune), Chief Guest in 2018

• Students should develop a keen sense of observation and thorough knowledge of the subject, without compromising on quality.
• There are many opportunities available in the world, do something which will be beneficial to society, the nation and in turn will make your life fruitful.
• Learn something new daily.
• Be ready to work anywhere in the world.
• In today’s world, it is not enough to be good, you need to be the best.

MR VIJAY DARDA (Chairman, Lokmat Media Pvt Ltd, Nagpur), Chief Guest in 2018

• The disbursement of such scholarships motivates and encourages economically challenged students, who have shown great academic potential to continue their studies.
• Education is the only one medium that create a culturally developed society, country and world. This is the same medium, which will help develop India and give us great leaders.

MR AVINASH DHARMADHIKARI (Former IAS Officer & Founder-Chanakya Mandal Pariwar, Pune), Chief Guest in 2017

The three formula for creating successful life & career:

• Recognize your individual potential and intelligence and accordingly choose a career. Do not get carried away by what others do.
• Decide the direction of your career based on your ability, interests and liking and get ready for global competition.
• Think of global competitiveness in your chosen field and work towards achieving excellence through dedication and determination. This will help in building a strong foundation for a successful life.

DR RAJAN WELUKAR(Former Vice-Chancellor, Mumbai University),, Chief Guest in 2016

• Students should use this assistance as an opportunity to develop in life. Primarily, education and development are mutually associated because the progress of a nation is directly proportionate to the education of its people.
• You should select the stream you like and think out of the box. Education means sharing your knowledge, with those who do not have. Life is not a struggle but a celebration.

PROF P.P. PATIL(Vice-Chancellor, North Maharashtra University),, Chief Guest in 2016

• Shri Sureshdada Jain has undertaken a major education project, SD-SEED, irrespective of caste and religion.
• The financial hurdles faced by students are eliminated through this Scheme, which helps them to prove their qualities and be successful.

PROF PRAKASH PATHAK(Executive Director, Bhosala Military School, Nashik),, Chief Guest in 2016

• Students should persevere for knowledge in their quest to understand the future.
• Scholarship is not just a figure, but you should understand the giver’s sentiments behind this gesture.
• We can consider ourselves truly knowledgeable, only when we use our knowledge to eradicate another’s sorrow.

DR PANDIT VIDYASAGAR (Vice-Chancellor, Marathwada University), Chief Guest in 2015

• Determine your goal and do not astray away from this goal.
• Be self-disciplined, which will make you successful.
• Opportunity will not announce, so you must make use of every opportunity you get

DR GIRISH KULKARNI (Founder & Director, Snehalaya, Ahmednagar) , Chief Guest in 2015

• Create a helping attitude among citizens.
• You do not have to be a millionaire to be able to help.
• Help the deprived, which will promote the progressive development of the society

DR ANAND KARVE (renowned Scientist), Chief Guest in 2014

• The major global inventions have been done in India, hence it is important for us to foster a spirit of enquiry; adopt the path of new thoughts and development.

DR SUNILKUMAR LAWATE (Researcher, Writer & Social Activist), Chief Guest in 2014

• India can become a super power very soon, so all of us to take steps to achieve this change.
• If you are in a decision-making position, should help to solve the problems of those in need.
• Stay in the company of great men. Help needy students by providing them scholarship

DR SHANKAR PUNTAMBEKAR (an eminent Litterateur), Chief Guest in 2013

When a drop of water falls into a shell, it becomes a Pearl. However, if the same drop of water goes into a snake’s mouth, it transforms into Poison. Similarly, hundreds of students are going to transform into Pearls with help of SD-SEED Scholarship.

DR RAGHUNATH MASHELKAR (an eminent Scientist) , Chief Guest in 2011

Not to let success divert your mind. After putting hard work and successfully achieving their goal; someone from Jalgaon might be the recipient of the Noble Prize.

DR NARENDRA JADHAV (Member, Planning Commission, Govt. of India), Chief Guest in 2010

Define your goals and have a strong faith in yourself that you will achieve it. There is no alternative to hard work. Manage your time properly. Respect your Parents. Have social responsibility and always think positive.

DR NK THAKRE (Ex-Chancellor, NMU), Chief Guest in 2009

To bring a smile to a sad face, to help the needy and uplift them is real service to God.

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