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Message from Shri Sureshdada Jain | Organisation Structure | Our Visionaries & Leaders | Advisory Committee | Taluka Co-ordinators | Presentation

About Us:

Our Vision

“To seed talented students for successfully acquiring entrepreneurial skills and enhanced employability at global level.”

Our Mission

  • Educational Awareness: Promoting the significance of education among all community stakeholders.
  • Financial Support: Providing scholarships and financial aid to eligible students to help them achieve their educational goals.
  • Enhance Employability: Offering comprehensive development programmes to equip students with the skills and experiences necessary for successful careers.
  • Sustainability: Ensuring the longevity of our programmes to benefit an increasing number of students.
  • Comprehensive Initiatives: Developing and implementing programmes that empower students, teachers, and parents.


The Suresh Dada Scheme for Educational and Entrepreneurial Development (SD-SEED) is dedicated to fostering education and entrepreneurship among the youth of Jalgaon District.

The philosophy behind SD-SEED is rooted in the belief that ‘Education is the cornerstone of societal progress and individual empowerment.’

SD-SEED is inspired by the tireless efforts of Shri Suresh Dada Jain, who dedicated his life to public service and community development. Dada's vision of a literate and progressive country is the guiding light for all our initiatives, reflecting his unwavering commitment to serving the common man.

SD-SEED is guided by a team of 30 dedicated leaders and advisors, including Chairperson Smt. Ratna Bhabhi Suresh Jain, Principal Advisor Shri Shantilal Mutha, Founder BJS, Executive President Ms. Meenakshi Jain, and Chairman of the Governing Board Dr. Prasannakumar Redasni. There are also 14 Taluka Co-ordinators who represent SD SEED and are the link between SD SEED and the students at the grass root level.

Our flagship initiative, the 'Matoshri Premabai Jain Higher Education Scholarship' is awarded annually to academically promising students facing economic challenges. The Scholarship Selection Committee rigorously evaluates each Scholarship application to ensure that the right students receive support. This Scholarship is part of a holistic package that includes various student-centric benefits, aiming to enhance their educational journey and future employability.

In order to further its mission, SD-SEED organizes a variety of programmes addressing diverse topics that raise awareness among parents, enhance knowledge in teachers, and skills which boost confidence among students for their overall development.

At SD-SEED, we believe that, ‘Education is the key to unlocking a brighter future.’