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Tejaswini Lalit Patil
Beneficiary Code: 1112012433
Taluka: Amalner
Education in 2015-16: BE – E&TC (Final Year)

“My father is a farmer and he cannot afford the educational expenses for me and my brother. We have to face innumerable problems. We have a great desire to study. SD-SEED, through this scholarship, has helped us in reaching our realizing our dream and achieving our goal. This scholarship is a great source of support in our time of need. We were very happy to receive this scholarship, as it reduced my father’s financial burden and I got a fresh inspiration and new enthusiasm to study. I will always be indebted to SD-SEED.”

Name: Pankaj Shrikant Shinde
Beneficiary Code: 1012065506
Taluka: Chopda
Education in 2015-16: BE – Mechanical (Second Year)

“I am studying second year B. E. Mechanical in Nasik. There are numerous problems faced by us when we study in different city. I come from a financially weak family, and the scholarship amount has helped me to buy the required reference books. When students like me from the rural area receive such help, it is similar to feeding the hungry and quenching the thirst of the thirsty. SD-SEED is like our bread winner.”

Name: Gayatri Hari Patil
Beneficiary Code: 1114097768
Taluka: Jalgaon
Education in 2015-16: HSC - Science (SYJC)

“I am happy that through SD-SEED needy students like me are benefitting. In society you will come across many people who are taking from others, but there are very few who are ready to give and SD-SEED is one such example. There are numerous hurdles in the educational field that need to be faced and in such times the assistance received in the form of Scholarship from SD-SEED and the various training progammes conducted by it, helps in strengthening our self-confidence.”

Name: Amol Rajendra Pingale
Beneficiary Code: 1012097277
Taluka: Pachora
Education in 2015-16: BE - Computers (Third Year)

When we dream of soaring in the skies then we need the support of someone. Students who are needy, but intelligent, face financial difficulties in continuing their education and the timely help provided by SD-SEED is most welcome.

Today education is expensive and it is out of the reach of common people like me. Keeping all this in mind, SD-SEED has re-opened the doors of education for us. The inspiration of Shri Dada through SD-SEED has given us a ray of hope in our lives.

Name: Sagar Kailas Magare
Beneficiary Code: 1011078119
Taluka: Dharangaon
Education in 2015-16: BE – Computer (Third Year)

“After my SSC result, I dreamt of Higher Studies, which would benefit many people. I was determined to study, but finance was the problem. Incidentally, I came to know about SD-SEED. I thought that Shri Suresh Dada is such a great personality and was skeptical about getting scholarship. However, I applied for the same and was selected for SD-SEED Scholarship. I was happy because now my dream would become a reality and my life would get a new direction. I am grateful to SD-SEED for all the help that I have received from them till today.”

Name: Revati Anil Joshi
Beneficiary Code: 1111093146
Taluka: Jalgaon
Education in 2015-16: BE – E&TC (Final Year)

“This scholarship is a sign of appreciation for needy students like me and we also get the blessings of Shri Suresh Dada Jain. Dada’s affection towards students is a gift for middle class families. In the course of our studies, we face difficulties due to lack of certain facilities. It is encouraging to receive support during this difficult time and I feel we have received this support through this Scholarship. I feel very happy that there is someone in society who is paying attention to our progress.”

Name: Manoj Devidas Sonar
Beneficiary Code: 1011129480
Taluka: Pachora
Education in 2015-16: BE – Mechanical (Second Year)

“Really this is very admirable work, which is started by Hon. Sureshdada. I would like to tell you that after completion of my education, will give whatever I can from my salary to the organization and will be working as SD-SEED member. Thanks again to all of your members.”
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