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Best of Luck to Exam !: All the best for your exams ! 


Patil Ajaysing Abhaysing
Beneficiary Code:1018027526
Education in 2020-21:B.E. E&TC (Fourth Year)

First of all thank you for the support received from SD-Seed. Our family’s financial condition is weak as my father does labour work and hence I was facing financial difficulties in my education. I received the SD Seed Scholarship, which reduced my financial burden. Further the other benefits provided through the scholarship motivates, encourages and guides me in my studies. Many students have benefitted due to the inspiring and self-reliant personality of Hon. Shri Suresh Dada Jain. The rural youth are able to develop their skills through the various initiatives and support provided by SD-SEED. This has given students an impetus to participate and win prizes in events such as, the State level Festival of the Future and other entrepreneurial aspirations. May Hon Shri Suresh Dada Jain motivate and continue to support student on their educational path.

Chaudhari Poonam Ramakant
Beneficiary Code:1118095817
Education in 2020-21:B.Tech - E&TC (Fourth year)

I am a recipient of SD Seed scholarship for the last three years. I would like to share an incident with pride : when man is in trouble he remembers God. But it is more important to meet God and in the person on Hon Dada I have seen the face of God who immediately came to our aid. Whatever may be your situation, there are no hurdles in the course of education, new paths are always discovered. My family’s financial condition is weak and similarly in my life too I got the ray of hope through SD Seed and the Scholarship, which removed obstacles in my education. This scholarship scheme is a noble idea of Hon. Sureshdada Jain and has given a new direction to help children from financially challenged families achieve their educational goal. We are able to make our dreams a reality, in spite of our families’ condition. Today I am studying the B. Tech Final year and with inspiration received from Hon. Dada I stood first in my Third year in my college. I also stood second the State Level Technical Competition, "TELETRONIXX 2K19".

The SD Seed Scholarship has truly given a new impetus to my life. I will always be indebted and grateful to Hon Shri Dada, may God bless with him a strength and a long life to continue to help students.

Jain Ritik Shikhar
Beneficiary Code:1018019838
Education in 2020-21:B.Pharm (Third Year)

We are all aware that ‘Education is an effective weapon’, but in spite of this I was scared whether I would be able to complete my education due to financial challenges. My father works in a cloth store. I am studying in Shirpur and found it difficult to meet various expenses, such as paying the college fees, buying new books, etc. I was awarded the SD Seed Scholarship, which is a source of support to my drooping wings. I am now motivated to concentrate on my studies and am also doing research work. Recently, I was awarded ‘The Best Research Scholar’ by Ahinsa Institute of Pharmacy. All this has become possible only because of the support I received from SD Seed. The dream hero is only an idea, but Hon. Shri Suresh Dada is the true hero of our lives. My wish is that Our Real Life Hero is blessed with a long life and his noble works continues always.

Patil Vaishnavi Dilip
Beneficiary Code:1120075090
Education in 2020-21:FYJC - Science

I scored 91% in my SSC exams. My parents are farmers and some times nature supports us and not at other times when every thing is destroyed and we face financial difficulties. In such situations, it is very difficult to concentrate on our studies, but due to the Scholarship started by Hon Shri Suresh Dada Jain I am able to continue my further education. I would like to study medicine, hence I have taken admission in the Science stream in Class 11. I will always take benefit of the free personal counselling being offered by the Counsellors. I have decided that I will compete in this competitive world and I am confident of achieving my goal. My deepest gratitude to Hon. Dada for starting this noble cause and heartfelt thanks for the financial support received.

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