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Education in 2023-24:MBA Finance (1st Year)

I come from a ordinary family in a rural village, where my parents work as farm workers in the fields. SD-SEED is the lifeline for students like me. It has instilled in me a positive attitude to overcome the circumstances that may hinder my education. With support from SD-SEED I am currently pursuing MBA First Year. I am deeply grateful to Hon. Dada, who with his foresight and vision has established SD – SEED as a premier institute for students. SD-SEED is helping to shape the future of thousands of students like me across the country. I assure you that we students are deeply committed to fulfilling the responsibility towards our education and upholding Hon Dada’s trust in us and we are determined to make Hon. Dada’s dream of a resplendent India a reality.

Education in 2023-24:B. E. Computer (3rd year)

My father passed away when I was very young, my family faced financial struggles and my mother worked as a manual labourer to make ends meet. I was awarded the SD-SEED scholarship which enabled me to pursue my B.E. in Computer Science Third Year. Initially, I had planned to discontinue my education after 10th standard to support my mother by working as a manual labourer. but fortunately, based on my academic merit I secured the SD-SEED scholarship, which has covered all my expenses. I'm also grateful to SD-SEED for the internship opportunity at a prestigious company. I am humbled to be among the numerous deserving students whose lives have been transformed by this scholarship. I extend my most sincere and heartfelt gratitude to SD-SEED for their unwavering support and nurturing guidance, and I aspire to remain forever grateful for their kindness and generosity

Shivpuje Meenakshi Pravin
Education in 2023-24:B.Tech- Food Technology (Fourth Year)

I am currently pursuing B. Tech Food Technology 4th year. My father passed away when I was in Std. 7. My mother worked as a domestic worker, which was instrumental in sustaining our family. The SD-SEED scholarship has empowered me to soar. I am grateful for the vision of Respected Suresh Dada Jain, founder of SD-SEED, and am confident that I will achieve my aspirations. Philanthropists like Hon. Dada, who support economically backward students, give us hope and reassurance that we are not alone. I hope this initiative continues to inspire students and transform their lives. I pray Hon Dada is blessed with a long life. I plan to contribute to this noble cause when I become financially capable, to help it thrive.

Education in 2023-24:BAMS (First Year)

My father passed away when I was very young. My family's financial situation is weak and my mother works as a farm labourer to make ends meet. When we face difficulties, God shows us the way through people. I am delighted to say that God has shown me the way through Respected Suresh Dada Jain. I am recipient of SD – Seed Scholarship which has been started by Hon. Dada. I receive financial assistance for my education through this Scholarship. Hon. Dada’s support has given me the confidence to become a good doctor.. I feel like I have got my father's support in the form of Hon. Dada, and I pray to God to give him a long life.

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