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Maya Gokul Sonawane
Beneficiary Code: 1117096540
Taluka: Jalgaon
Education in 2017-18: B Pharm (1st Year)

I am a girl with a rural background. When you say ‘girl’, all restrictions come to mind and they are treated as secondary citizens. My father is a farmer. He is aware of the importance of education and always encouraged me to study. However, when it comes to higher education, we faced financial issues due to high fees. It was at this time that SD-SEED extended their support, thus opening an array of opportunities and helping me continues my education. This assistance of SD-SEED will help many students like me to focus and achieve their educational goal. I too am inspired by him to excel be successful and help students financially which will make the project meaningful.

Name: Jayesh Shreeram Morankar
Beneficiary Code: 1016094938
Taluka: Jalgaon
Education in 2017-18: Diploma in Mechanical (2nd Year)

In this world God has sent some individuals to help others, as a result our drooping wings are strengthened and are able to soar in the skies. The strength under our wings is, Hon’ble Shri Sureshdada Jain. I was going through a financial crisis and did not have funds to pay fees, buy book, etc. It was at this time that SD-SEED started by Hon’ble Shri Sureshdada Jain came to my aid, by awarding me the scholarship. This scholarship has been a blessing. SD-SEED has motivated numerous students like me to study and become outstanding citizens. I realized that I am not alone and philanthropist with a big heart like Hon’ble Dada, before whom students hesitate to go, is supporting us. I will put in all my efforts to ensure the continuity of this project.

Name: Prachi Subhash Patil
Beneficiary Code: 1116091848
Taluka: Jalgaon
Education in 2017-18: BE E&TC (3rd Year)

I have been a SD-SEED Beneficiary for the last two years. My father passed away while I studying Diploma. All responsibility fell on my mother’s shoulders and there was no earning member in the family. I was depressed since even though I was intelligent I was facing a financial crisis. There was a huge question in mind on how to continue my higher education. It was at this crucial time SD-SEED supported through the scholarship and helped me to pay fees, buy books, stationary, etc. I can truly say that SD-SEED has inspired me to become successful in life. I am deeply grateful to Hon’ble Shri Sureshdada Jain for starting project and would like to request to always continue this beneficial project.

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